DAY 1 – Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU (Novi trg 4/II)
Welcome Address
Performance and Composition
- Jeffery Kite-Powell (Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA)
“However you please”: MPC’s Variable Opinions on Performance
- Walter Kurt Kreyszig (University of Saskatchewan, Sasskatoon, Canda & & Conservatorio “Niccolò Paganini”, Genoa)
The Cori spezzati Tradition in the Syntagma Musicum, Part III (1619) of Michael Praetorius: His Advocacy of Seventeenth-Century Italian Compositional Practices on German Soil
- Klemen Grabnar (ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana)
Michael Praetorius’s Magnificat in Bishop Hren’s Choirbook
*coffee break*
Tuning and Tempo
- Dalibor Miklavčič (Akademija za glasbo, Ljubljana)
“Die alte praetorianische Stimmung”: Praetorius’s Tuning Descriptions in Syntagma Musicum
- Domen Marinčič (Ljubljana)
“Now quickly, now again slowly”: Tempo Modification in and around Praetorius
*lunchtime break*
Terminology and Tonality
- Marina Toffetti (Università do Padova)
Talking about Music in the Early Seventeenth Century: Italian Musical Terms in Michael Praetorius’s Syntagma Musicum III (1619)
- Nejc Sukljan (Univerza v Ljubljani)
Praetorius Versus Zarlino: The Question of Modes
*coffee break*
Organology and Iconography
- Matthew Zeller (Duke University, Durham, NC, USA)
Reconstructing Lost Instruments: Praetorius’s Syntagma Musicum, Historical Metrology, and the Violin Family of the Late-Sixteenth and Early-Seventeenth Centuries
- Wouter Verschuren (Royal College of Music, London & Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague)
Giants of the Dulcian Family: An Exploration of the Doppel Fagott and Fagotcontra in the Writings of Michael Praetorius
- Samantha Owens (Victoria University of Wellington, Nerw Zealand)
Pictorial Depictions of Musicians, Musical Instruments and Music-Making in the Stammbücher of Paul Jenisch (1558–1647) and Johann Michael Weckherlin (1579–1631)
Visit to the National and University Library: Ms. 343 with the Magnificat a 8 by Praetorius on display (optional)
18:00–19:30 (Prešernova dvorana, Novi trg 4, Ground Floor)
Keynote Lecture
- Peter Holman (University of Leeds)
A Title-Page of Michael Praetorius
20:00 (Atrium ZRC; Novi trg 2)
DAY 2 – The Castle of Fužine (Pot na Fužine, 2, Ljubljana)
The Legacy of Praetorius
- Lucinde Braun (Universität Regensburg)
Transmitting Knowledge: The Syntagma Musicum in Lutheran Organ Sermons of the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth Centuries
- Andrew Woolley (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – FCSH/NOVA, Lisbon)
Seventeenth-Century French Dance Music in Portuguese and Spanish Keyboard Sources
*coffee break*
The Khisls of Kaltenbrunn as Patrons of Music
- Metoda Kokole (ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana)
The Noble Khisls: Local Music Patrons and Musicians of the Late Sixteenth Century
- Chiara Comparin (Vicenza)
The Khisl Family and the Paduan Cultural Milieu: the Canzonette a tre voci di diversi eccellentissimi musici (Venice, 1587) and Ludovico Balbi’s Musicale essercitio (Venice, 1589)
- Dinko Fabris (Università di Basilicata, Matera)
The Strange Story of Giacomo Gorzanis, Blind Lutenist in the Service of the Khisl Family, and his Modern Rediscovery
*lunchtime break*
The Khisls and Their Home at Kaltenbrunn (lectures in Slovenian)
- Veronika Pflaum (Gorenjski muzej, Kranj)
Khislstein Castle and the Khisl Family Stories, Exhibition in the Museum of Gorenjska
- Barbara Žabota (Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana)
The Khisl Family of “Kaltenbrunn”
- Peter Krečič (Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, Ljubljana)
Building History of Kaltenbrunn Castle in Comparison with the Contemporary Castles in Slovenia
15:00–16:30 (optional)
- Katarina Metelko (Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, Ljubljana)
Guided tour of the castle (in English)